Runners at the start of a run in the Olympic National Forest

Code of Conduct

By attending a Cowgill event, you are agreeing to the community guidelines described below.

We do not tolerate harassment at Cowgill-hosted events or at events not hosted by Cowgill where Cowgill members are present, including on all social media platforms. 

Harassment is behavior that is hostile or offensive. For purposes of this document and Cowgill in general, the definition of Harassment and Sexual Harassment can be found at the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Harassment definition and Sexual Harassment definition). Harassment does not require intent to offend and includes actions even if intended as jokes, "kidding", or "teasing”.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Verbal or written comments that are insulting, degrading, or threatening;
  • Verbal or written comments that are sexually graphic or sexually suggestive;
  • Unwelcome and targeted photography or recording;
  • Sustained disruption of talks or other events;
  • Deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following;
  • Display of offensive or sexually suggestive objects, pictures, or graphics;
  • Initiation of inappropriate physical contact (contact of a violent or sexual nature);
  • Unwelcome sexual attention, including repeated flirtations or advances; and
  • Advocating for, encouraging, or intentionally concealing any of the above behavior.

Participants who witness or experience harassment are encouraged to report the situation to Cowgill leadership, either verbally or in written form at Reports can also be submitted anonymously via the Cowgill website contact us form. Cowgill leadership includes event hosts. The goal of Cowgill leadership in any harassment reporting situation is to support the reporting party/victim of harassment in any way possible with total confidentiality. Cowgill leadership will hold all reported information in the strictest confidence and keep any individuals involved anonymous unless specifically asked by the reporting individual. 

Reporting outcomes include, but are not limited to: asking a member of Cowgill to leave the group on a temporary or permanent basis, and/or requiring approval of the reporting party and Cowgill leadership before being allowed back at any Cowgill event. Until a Cowgill reporting outcomes policy & procedure has been finalized, outcomes will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Creation of a safe and welcoming environment is a shared responsibility held by all participants. Harassment and other violations of this policy reduce the value of participation for everyone, not only those on the receiving end of unacceptable behaviors. Above all, Cowgill aims to empower each of our members to stand up for themselves when they feel someone has crossed a line that makes them uncomfortable, and to personally report situations that they feel need to be escalated to Cowgill leadership.

We encourage everyone, no matter their pace, to run to us and with us.